I love my Life !!!
Lifetime Back story
Master stylist educator and teacher. Canada/USA/UK
Worked and trained people consistently in a highly artistic and creative capacity.
Served with passion as an Organic hairdresser and high level colourist, into salon
Organicly focused on natural health and knowledge.
Trained in energy knowledge and skills the art of healing and activating the heart centre development for over 12 years
Worked with people on a deep and intimate level.
Developed a pure heart centre and with intelligence
Empowered women in soul purpose classes with truth, compassion and love
Became a master healer and mentor, through dedication, high end trainings and destiny.
One thing being a master technician and colourist from the UK taught me was
You are only as good as you are called to be in the moment and on this day.
All else should bear truth in this day all else was history, experience and preparation.
We experienced this directly as each upleveling position called for 5 to 6 real time haircuts, real time now that day. No matter what you're resume says.
that needed to pass to be hired or offered a position in any high end salon. Even after tht came weeks of upgrade company training.
This was a great set up for being in the NOW
Life is all in the showing up